Frequently Asked Questions

Where are you located and how far are you willing to go for a project?

We're currently located in New Hartford, CT. We often work around Hartford County and tend to get most of our work around this area. We're open to and have worked in multiple other areas such as Litchfield County, New Haven County and New London County.

Do you do the work yourself?

If you hire A+J Quality Roofing to do your project then that's who you'll see on the job site. We're a small team of 4 and we believe firmly that the people you ask for help with a problem such as roofing should be the same people to solve it. We don't believe in sub-contracting out.

When's a good time to reach out and have you come take a look at my roof?

Right now. During different times of the year we're heavily booked up and it's always best to have us take a look at your roof sooner rather than later. Many people decide to wait until spring or summer to get quotes and start projects and by the time they do we might be booked out several weeks or months. Don't wait around and have your problems roof related problems continue to get worse.aph

When do you know when you're ready for a new roof?

There are many signs that show a roof is starting o get past its prime. Stone loss, cracking, nail heads start to pop out the top of the shingles, the fiberglass matting is starting to show, and even blistering of the shingles. If you're experiencing any of this issues it would be best to contact us as soon as possible.

Expert Team

Your project will be handled by experts every time. We make sure you have the most experienced professionals working for you. 

Quality Guaranteed

You’ll find the support you need to ensure that things runs smoothly. We’re here to help you with any questions.
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